A Warm Fuzzy
A place for anything and everything that comes to mind.
Those of you who know me well know that I do NOT go in for chick flicks. Nicholas Sparks is one of my arch enemies. I can't stand it. But, guess what, friends...I do have a heart for a couple of chick flicks. And, they all involve that Jewish goddess I love to love (and my husband loves to hate): BARBRA STREISAND.
What? Mother's Day is coming up? Well, I've got the list for you...or rather for ME!
We just purchased a brand new car. BRAND. NEW. I'm so excited and nervous. I tell you for reals...that new car smell...UH-DICTIVE. Where does it come? Why isn't it bottled? It's like crack. I'm never going back to used...unless this proves wildly unsuccessful.
When it comes to naming a car, the most important thing to take into consideration is what the car looks like/what personality she has. Secondly, you need to take into account what the car is going to do for you. Finally, you have to talk to her to make sure she's happy with her new nom de plume.
Currently there is an amazing amount of people at my work, in my life, and in my community who are jogging...or yogging, as Ron Burgundy and I like to call it. It's an old fad made new again, thanks to countless not-for-profit/fundraising 5K's, marathons, and just jogging for the fun of it attitudes. Guess what? I don't think it's fun. But, I keep this on the downlow, because according to so many I know, it's just the bestest, greatest thing EVER!
I know...I know...I KNOW! I need to get moving! What used to be exercising for 30 minutes three times a week is now exercising 30 minutes everyday of the week. Don't get me wrong: I love to work up a sweat on the elliptical or with a brisk walk around my neighborhood. I just literally cannot find out how. Maybe after viewing my schedule, you'll be able to help me:
6:30--Wake up! Shower!
7:00--Get into car for another challenging, yet rewarding, day of teaching.
8:00 a.m.-2:50 p.m.--Teach, attend team meetings, attend collaborative/disciplinary/special education meetings
3:00--Leave my job! Cause I only work 8-3...oh, wait: staff meetings, ELA meetings, AVID meetings, after school homework club to monitor...get it, now???
4:30--Home to the babes! Play for 30 minutes (or take a walk if it's nice) before...
5:00--Start dinner, juggle the boy (who wants to get into everything!)
8:00-9:00--Clean dishes, kitchens/bathrooms, put laundry away, get lunch ready for tomorrow
9:00-11:00 p.m.--Grade (if I'm not in a blindingly exhausted daze), maybe see my husband?, finally hit the hay (if I'm lucky by 11)
So, here's the deal. Don't think I'm less of a person, cause I'm not totally jazzed to have a 13.1 sticker on my bumper or a triathalon tee-shirt around my form every other day. Guess what I also don't have? A LIVESTRONG bracelet, and I've never wanted one. Do I want to exercise? Yes! Do I want to constantly hear about YOU exercising? No! And, I won't tell you about my workout--or lack thereof--either. The only thing I would like to hear about from you is a way for me to work that workout in! God knows I need it: I lack energy, but when? Help a sister out, yo!
It feels like the last day I had an acceptable body weight by society’s standards was the day I was born. I was lucky sevens: 7 pounds, 7 ounces. I was always a chunky monkey: loved me some McDonald’s, Doritos, and Pepsi. It was easy for me to be a target of bullying with the extra poundage I carried and the knit pants I wore until 5th grade (when I pleaded with my mom to get me jeans, cause really, I could handle the buttons and snaps). But, looking back on the bullying experiences of my youth, I know that they were absolutely NOTHING compared to the ones I witness everyday.
Well, if you think of all of the above, you'd be correct.
My life is blessed, busy, and awesome. So many wonderful things have been going on, but I never have the time to write about them. I'm going to try to follow the style of another Mama -friend: keep the posts shorter and more frequent. Fancying myself a wordsmith, we'll see how THAT goes! ;)