Not Our Year
Baseball season is now in full swing. And, as it is with every season, Cubs fans across the nation start afresh with hope, vim, and vigor for a winning season. Well, faithful few, my hope may already be dashed.
A trip to Wrigley Field is always welcomed and anticipated with great joy. The hot dogs...the Pepsi...the nachos...the new mini-jumbo tron in right field??? (Oh, well. I guess we have to upgrade every now and then.) Possibly my only visit this season happened during opening weekend, so I got my sweet magnetic schedule. That's pretty much where the fun ended.
The last two innings were long, excruiating, and painful. I rarely leak into the negative field on this humble blogspot, but man, we HAVE to do something about our pitching staff. I've been done with Marmol for too long, and I wish the management would be done with him, too. Good ole Kerry Wood is back in the blue pinstripes, but he ain't what he used to be.
I want us to be the Major League Cleveland Indians after our not so stellar start. I do have a glimmer of hope left that we can be. I mean, the season's only a week old. Dismal as it seems right now, maybe we can still turn this season around??? All's I know is this: it's been waaaay too long since 1908.
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