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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I DO Have a Heart!

Those of you who know me well know that I do NOT go in for chick flicks.  Nicholas Sparks is one of my arch enemies.  I can't stand it.  But, guess what, friends...I do have a heart for a couple of chick flicks.  And, they all involve that Jewish goddess I love to love (and my husband loves to hate): BARBRA STREISAND.

Just finished watching the last...oh...SEVEN minutes of The Way We Were.  Tears brimming again.  Every time she Commie Katie reaches out to brush Hubble's disheveled bangs out of his eyes, I weep.  Oh, the way they were.  Just go cavort on the beach some more!  Don't give up, Hubble!  Katie's for you!

What about Funny Girl?  Um...GOLD.  And, it won Babs some Oscar gold, too.  (That year she shared the prize with my absolute favorite, Katharine Hepburn.  Did you remember that the Oscar could have TWO winners???)  Oh, Nick.  Don't gamble all of that money away!  Don't be so proud!  Let Fanny take care of you!  She wants to be a Sadie...with the idyllic house in the country, dashing husband, and cute lil babe.  Is that too much to ask!?

Oh, and don't EVEN get me started on the Mirror Has Two Faces.  Book worm with major insecurities, falling for a hunky professor who wants to do a social experiment on a couple who is simply together for companionship and no lovelustgoodtimes.  So predictable: you know EXACTLY how that one's gonna end.  But sprinkle in a little Lauren Bacall and get Jeff Bridges in there, and I'm busted: another chick flick I can't help but adore.  (Now, if only I had that one on DVD...)

So, no, I'm not gonna go see Lucky Me with you or some other Amanda Seyfried/Rachel McAdams Sparksian vehicle.  But, I'm gonna sit myself on my couch and watch a VHS or two or three of the divine soon as my husband leaves the house.


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