I can't remember a time in my life when there wasn't Michael Jackson. He's as prevalent in my life as Elvis or the Beatles. He's always been in my ears, molding my musical taste (hard hitting, get at your soul, addictive pop), whether it be on vinyl, casette, or CD. The images I have of him in my mind are iconic: a sparkly glove on the right hand, a red leather jacket, moonwalking across a stage, leaning almost to the floor and not falling down, a zombie dancing in jerky motions, and the list can go on and on.
Perhaps the thing I've been most sad about is the fact that I never got to see him live. As a girl, it was one of the only things I've wanted. I've known for a long time, however, even years before his death, that this would not come to be. The accusations that had swirled around Jackson for years took some of the glisten and gleam off of his aura, and I knew that I would never make it to a live performance.
Even though he had become somewhat of a national travesty in these last few years, you can NEVER deny what he did for music and what he did for millions of people around the world. Like Elvis before him, he revolutionized music. Pop music hasn't been the same since he put his stamp on it starting in 1970, and it will never be as great with him gone.