Holy Jeez, What a News Day!
- Harry Potter cover...actually a bit disappointing. I wanted more grandeur I think.
- LOST kicked major A! Now I know why Hurley was laughing at me a couple of weeks ago: I had lost faith, and he knew how great it was going to be. I can't give anything away right now, because some people might still need to watch it. I will say, however, that it was more like season 1. And, Billy Dee Williams was in it. (That doesn't give anything away.)
- Um...hope you're sitting down for this. imdb.com (go to bottom of page for snippet) reports that for some reason, "Teen Wolf" is being resurrected. What? Why? How? Who? Seriously, how did this happen??? (That's what MJF is thinking below.)
I almost didn't finish my dinner after Martin told me. Oh, but it gets so much better (in the bad sense). Our "Smallville" hero, Tom Welling, has signed on as the love interest, because (and here is when it gets the best) the wolf is a chick this time. Ho-ly Cow. Welling, my boy, you need to fire your agent.
Indulge me if you will, but here's the conversation at the studio as I imagine it--
Studio Exec 1: Hey, why don't we have any horror films in the can?
Studio Exec 2: Well, we're not Lionsgate. They got the market on cheap, skeezy horror films.
SE 1: Yeah, you're right. But what if we did a funny horror film? You know, something lighthearted?
SE 2: Hey, that's an idea! What about a kind of American Werewolf in London deal, but funny?
SE 1: Already been done, my friend. It had Tom Everett Scott in it, hot off the tails of Dead Man on Campus.
SE 2: Oh, right. Shucks. WAIT! I got it!
SE 1: What? WHAT? I can't wait to hear this idea!
SE 2: Lets stick with the werewolves, cause between Buffy, Angel, and Blade, vampires are just passe.
SE 1: Keep going; I'm liking this.
SE 2: We want it funny, we want it hip, we want it fresh. What could perfectly fit all three except TEEN WOLF!?!
SE 1: Oh, Tom, that's brilliant! The first one, with Michael J. Fox, was number 1 at the box office for at least two weeks. The second one, with Jason Bateman, wasn't even mildly successful 20 years ago, but I think we can definitely make something out of this!
SE 2: It gets better, Barney. The Teen Wolf, is going to be a Teen WolfGIRL.
SE 1: I'm having heart palpitations right now. Why hasn't anyone thought of this?
SE 2: I don't know, but I'm so glad I did. The dollar signs are floating in front of my eyes.
SE 1: And, hey, why don't we get that Superman kid from that TV show in it? He wasn't in the Superman Returns, so he must be aching for some film work.
SE 2: Barns, you read my mind.
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