The Best $19.50 I Ever Spent
The following excerpt is from my scrapbook I started in 8th grade. It is exactly as it was penned by my young, 14-year-old hand. The visuals for this entry are actual artifacts from that night:
February 7, 1994, 7:00 p.m.: The Real Live Brady Bunch, with special guest Davy Jones, and featuring the Real Live Game Show. This was one of the coolest shows I've ever went to in my fourteen years! I went with my ever-cool pal Abbey McBride. It was hilarious! They did the episode when Marcia has to get Davy Jones to sing at the prom, or her social life will be ruined forever. It was so funny! Abs and I made some friends too. There were about five people sitting behind us and we all became quick buds (even though they did spill beer on us). It was totally awesome! I busted both my guts.
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