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Saturday, August 21, 2010

One More Bit on Our Robbie

Just an FYI that even if you live in the states you can still get all of your Robbie wedding details. I just purchased the issue of HELLO!, Britain's top gossip rag, at my local Barnes & Noble. I know you can do the same. And, if you're a member, you'll save 69 cents! (Was that a plug? Did I just plug B&N? Oh, I still miss Pages so much.)

If you're one of the few that live in an area rampant with Robbie fans, and the rag's sold out before you get there, just click HERE to read an excerpt from the article. ENJOY!


Anonymous Jo Mama said...

So glad you saw fit to pay the dollar price of the pounds to have this magazine available at the publishing hq of bbb. Love it!

9:18 AM  

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