
A place for anything and everything that comes to mind.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Case Closed

I still don't know what to say about the passing of Heath Ledger. I suppose all I can say is that he was becoming one of the leading actors of my generation (MY generation because we were the exact same age). It's strange to think there will never be another Ledger film; it's stranger to think he was my age. On a whole, I enjoyed his films so much. He, like fellow Batman star Christian Bale, revelled in choosing the roles that detracted from his natural handsomeness (yes, that's a word, cause I say it is)--roles in films like Lords of Dogtown and Dark Knight. I am still looking forward to seeing his Dylan interpretation in I'm Not There and his Joker in Dark Knight. Without a doubt, though, I'll leave the cinema after viewing those two films with the question "What might have been?" at the forefront of my mind.

And, on a much more personal note, the passing of Mr. Ledger took a far backseat to the news the following morning that a former student of mine took her own life. That news hit home hard and fast and made me feel silly for being sad about a man I had never even met. A young, vivacious, wide grinning girl of 15 has left our world, and I pray that I might see her again one day on the other side. Take care of each other, tell your loved ones how important they are to you, and don't ever forget how precious this life is. Please, take a moment to call someone right now and tell them how much you love them. If you're reading this, it's my turn to tell you, because only the ones I care for the most read this:

I love you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you, too, Miss Amanda. You wrote this beautifully, and we'll hope those who read your words pass them to others so that this little girl who may cause others to think how life really is good and that He never gives one more than he or she can bear - as long as they have someone with whom to share.

4:48 PM  

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