Food Associations
I've been thinking a lot about food lately, and how I need to cut my intake of it--drastically. I don't know why I have such an unhealthy relationship with food, but I am trying to work through it. Many who know me would probably not even have a clue at my food addiction, but I have come to terms with the fact that I definitely have one. (Knowing that is half the battle after all.) Let's face it: you can't cut food out of your kind of need it to survive. And, I can't just turn my back on it completely: I love preparing it too much. I just have to start monitoring my intake and being smarter.
I promise I won't obsess to you publicly about food and tell you each thing I've eaten. I'm not going to go on some fad diet and tell you each pound I've lost. I've done this before, and it hasn't helped. In fact, I'm going to throw all caution to the wind and take a moment to celebrate food: all the bad food I love. Without much further ado, let me lay down three of my most favorite entertainment franchises and the delicious eats that go with them!
I cannot think of Back to the Future without thinking of Pepsi. Marty loves Pepsi Free, 2015 loves Pepsi Perfect, and I've been loving Pepsi since I was five. Oh, I remember getting delicious, wee Dixie cups full of Pepsi on the weekends. Now, unfortunately, it's become a daily habit, but I want to celebrate its awesome pop fizzy sweetness anyway...and my favorite movie trilogy of all time.
Twin Peaks. The Double R. Agent Cooper + blackcoffee&cherrypie=true love. I can't watch an episode of Twin Peaks without craving Norma's cherry pie and black coffee...even though I've never had the pie, and I would laden the coffee with two sugars and skim, I'm sure it would be as delicious as Coop describes. And, DONUTS. Row upon row of perfectly aligned donuts in the station break room. My mouth is watering right now.
Then, there's the worst of all. GILMORE GIRLS. Pop culture references galore and two of the skinniest, smartest actresses around eating tons of junk food and not gaining an ounce. (Hey, if they won't gain, I won't either, so pass another sliceuv za!) I don't get through ten minutes of an episode without longing for the greasiest, cheesiest, pepperoniest pizza on the planet. While I was watching GG for the first time, the amount of times I had Village Inn pizza is embarrassing. (That's a local pizza joint that has the most perfect bad for you pizza in the area.) Two good things happened last year: I got through GG and stopped eating/craving as much pizzaCokedanishesgreasydinerfood, and Village Inn moved to the neighboring town, which is now a 40 minute round trip away. Thank God Luke's isn't right around the corner...
Hungrier now then I was already, and that's saying a LOT! I just included the rest of the "straw" in the bag (Lisa's word for Triscuits).
And then there's Enrico's!
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