Tennant's Top 10: Part I
This was no easy task, believe you me. Here, in descending order, are my Top 10 Favorite David Tennant Doctor Who Episodes. Part I will encompass #10-#6.
10. Stolen Earth: Doctor companions, UNITE! Everyone was present and accounted for: Rose, Martha, Donna, Sarah Jane, Captain Jack (AND his Torchwood friends), Mickey & Jackie, and Harriet Jones. (The only one missing was our favorite dog, K-9.) The second part of this two-part finale had some touchy parts (Rose and the alternate Doctor together) and some touching parts (Donna saving the day and then forgetting the Doctor), but seeing all of those companions come together to help was awesome.
9. School Reunion: Giles as a Doctor Who baddy? Excellent! Not only did this episode involve everyone's favorite Watcher and chips which produce genius kids (what an advantage to eating greasy fries, huh?), but it also marked the return of Sarah Jane Smith and K-9...and Mickey helps save the day, too!
8. Doomsday: If you don't tear up when Rose and the Doctor part ways on a beach at the end of this episode, you have no heart...and if you do, it's as black as my brother's. Cybermen and Daleks defeated, Jackie reunited with her dead husband in an alternate universe, and Mickey, again, earning his keep. With all of these good times, the most memorable moment is still the Doctor not getting out those three most important words to Rose in time.
7. Waters of Mars: Some of you may not have seen this yet, because it's one of the Tennant specials which is wrapping up his Doctor career, but let me tell you: It's AMAZING. It will probably move further up the list as time goes by, but since I've only just seen it, I'm putting it in the bottom half...for now. This episode shows how the 10th Doctor is starting to take control of the rules of time, and how this bold, almost arrogant move, can cause lives to be lost.
6. Smith & Jones: Oh, Martha! My favorite companion is introduced in this episode, and in her first, she gets to snog the Doctor. (Harlot.;) Stranded on the moon, the Doctor and his soon-to-be new companion must outsmart the Judoon to get all safely back to earth. The "Christmas Invasion" jammies even reappear.
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