The Really New MMC
M ac
M ouse
C ount
This is what MMC stands for now. Mice are taking over my kitchen, and I HATE them. I now know what bloodlust feels like, for every morning I wake up, I hope I find another one in a trap, snapped in two. We've gotten SIX dead since Wednesday, and I fear there are more from whence they came.
They are NOT cute, like wee Justin and Britney. They are not sweet and lovable, like Jacques and Gus Gus. They are furry little menaces with beady, black eyes, and I hope the gang of them camping out in our walls meet theur demise soon.
So come down the alley of death (the space between the fridge and microwave, where they scurry out), little ones, and meet your end. Mooooowahahaha!
Quite a clever way to announce the mouse in the house (mice in the hice)?
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