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Better Than the First
Well, I thought it was anyway. The action started quicker, there was no lull at the end (ie, no batcar chase through Gotham), and downtown Chicago stole the show. Actually, we all know who stole the show...you don't even have to see the show to know who stole it. Yes, yes, Heath was impeccable. Absolutely wonderful: you didn't even know it was him half the time. Just out of this world great...and it will make you miss his acting genius even more after you see this.
I don't want to say more about The Dark Knight, cause I might lapse into some spoilers. Just go see it: I think you'll really, REALLY enjoy it.
I'm off to the ATL for a five day teacher's conference, and I miss my house already. :( I'll get back to you all next weekend...
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