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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It Was ALL a Ploy

In March of this year, we got a surprise: I was pregnant again!  Or, was it...

You know what the BEST part about having a baby in December is?  (Cause now since I have TWO December babies I feel that I'm qualified to write on this subject...)  HALLMARK.  CHRISTMAS.  MOVIES.

Yup.  Absolutely.  Nothing else having to do with smelling sweet heavenly baby scent or cuddling a wee bairn or seeing your two oldest become completely smitten with their new sister.  Yeah, it was NOTHING to do with any of those things.  It's all about the 24-hour-per-day Hallmark Christmas movies.  Oh...I have to go "feed" the baby...and watch more Christmas movies.  Be back in about...uh...45 minutes.

And, what happens between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm, when Hallmark Channel has on a double bill of their two-hour morning talk show, Home and Family?  Well, that's easy: Get a Christmas movie out of my Christmas Movie Bin.  What, you DON'T have one?

See, the joy of watching a HCM is that you can tune in at any time and know the plot within seconds...which is always the same.  You can settle in for an entire viewing, a few minutes when baby needs calmed down in the rocker, or for a mid-range 40-minute feed session.  You'll still walk away from the screen satisfied, saccharined out, and oh-so-jolly.

Yes, it's all been a ploy.  Surprise pregnancy just to get extra time to watch Christmas movies in December.  I love Christmas THAT much, y'all.

P.S.  Fir Crazy is definitely in the early run for best new Hallmark Christmas Movie of 2013.  I've already seen it twice...well most of it twice...and I LURVE it.


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