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Monday, May 26, 2008

Thanks, Shamalamadingdong!

Why am I excited about M. Night Shymalan's new film, The Happening? Is it cause it comes out on Friday the 13th? No. Maybe it's because it has former rap supreme, and Boston badboy, Mark[ie Mark] Wahlberg? Enticing, but no to that, too. Have I been praying for a new Night epic? Nay (since they only hit the mark half of the time).

It's cause of this dude:

The Ruck just doesn't get enough play*. From Ferris to Speed to Spin City: he always delivers. Thank you, Mr. Shymalan, for putting faith in one of BBB's favorite everyman actors! And, it looks like he might have an important role, since he's all up in the previews. I can't wait! :)

*I just read on a blog called Pop Culture Devo that he's "washed up." I'm choosing to ignore that comment, because Mr. Ruck does actually work once in awhile, and he still hasn't been found on some skeezy VH-1 reality show. If that happens, then you can call him "washed up."


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