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Friday, July 23, 2010

A Plea

Faithful (if few) Readers,
I implore you to read the outstanding book, Water for Elephants, before you start lining up to buy tickets to the movie. It's THE best book I've read this summer, and I want you to get the book before spring 2011, when the movie covers will certainly abound, and it'll be all you can to do find the original cover print.

Why the plea? Why all the hubbub about getting the original cover? Because soon, before we know it soon, Robert Pattinson's pretty face will be plastered all over anything having to do with Sara Gruen's beautifully told tale of a man and his life in the circus.

Don't get me wrong: you readers should know I enjoy the R-Patz and his vampiric rise to fame. I also applaud him being so wise as to take the role of Jacob Jankowski, one with such teeth in it (no pun intended...well, maybe mildly intended). I honestly cannot wait to see the adaptation, but more so because of his wicked, devilish co-star, Christoph Waltz (already lauded and applauded on this humble blog). He's gonna hit another one out of the park with his portrayal of bipolar schizophrenic, August Rosenbluth. BUT, I so want you to enjoy the book before the female teenage hordes get their hands on every copy.
If you're curious to check out/buy the book, click HERE. If you want some imdb stats, click HERE. Happy reading!!!
P.S. Reese Witherspoon and Hal Holbrook also co-star...not even a big deal.


Blogger No Longer 25 said...

I've had this book on my book shelf for ages, but haven't started it yet. I've got a couple of long haul flights coming up so I'll be sure to take it with me. Didn't know it was to be made into a film.

1:39 PM  

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