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Sunday, April 20, 2008

WHOA! Where Have I Been!?!

What up, faithful few? And even though you are few, how much I love you! Spring is here, class is winding down, and all the kiddies have Spring Fever! I'm getting a major case of ADD: I don't know how many times in the last week I've told myself to sit down and bliggety-blog, but then I forget two minutes later! Oh, well. I guess I've been too busy watching the Cubbies. ;)

Hope you all tuned into Sci-Fi's premiere of "Voyage of the Damned" Friday night. If you forgot your weekly dos
e of the Doctor Friday, don't forget to tune in for the start of the brand new fourth season this coming Friday. Woo-hoo!

And, one more date to add to your roster: August 5 will see the fourth season of "Family Ties" arrive on DVD. (Seriously, creators of "Growing Pains," why aren't you keeping up with the Keatons!?!) Check out the super fine cover art below. How flippin' cute is MJF??? This was the season his bride-to-be made her debut on the show, too. Also on board is Mallory's best BF, Nick. Oh, they certainly were a dim-witted pair.


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